
Life draped
in a form of
processes and

is distorted life.

Plead with life,
beg of it to be

from a soil

from a collective

from our own hands

human plowed and sown

flowing from such
a condition of

life that
expresses itself

prepared by people
by a hundred million people
by a hundred million hundred million

not stunted by the will of

(cut-up: Native Son – Richard Wright)

‘Poets’ by Vik Shirley – The Red Ceilings Press


‘Lady, i will touch you with my mind. Touch you and touch and touch until you give me suddenly a smile, shyly obscene’ ~ e e cummings

This is a delightful collection of poems by Vik Shirley and from the collector of such delights The Red Ceilings Press.

It is a quick romp of a read so I won’t quote the brisk poetically sexual aphorisms and spoil the frolicing fun, apart from the following which I have already posted on twitter as an obvious tease,


Other poets/writers will empathise with so many of the scenarios, not that it will be an exclusive thrill for them. There are so many revelations to discover: where artefacts are found; the use of aquamarine.

You should try and get your copy now as a Red Ceilings run is always limited to 40 copies, though I suspect there might well be the stamina and need for another quick one.

Get it here, so to speak.

Our World Version

Artists are

invention and
image and

humanity, power
with more force

than millions and
millions of others,

as with the
actuality chiefs

of what’s real
and mere greatest

number. Recruit
to our version:

believe to
make artists.

(cut-up: The Adventures of Augie March – Saul Bellow)

I Could Hear

A mouthswarm
of the indescribable,

the uncreated,

I could hear
I could hear


but ripples and
and mirror-like


a heroin wind of sound
mainlined to the mind


I could hear the angels of sound

(cut-up: On the Road – Jack Kerouac)


Romero’s bullfighting
was ridiculous,

a faked look of purity
as if a beautiful feeling

was attainable in killing.
An emotional pass would

emphasize their closeness
and safe exposure,

him and bull
bull and him

Romero and horns
horns and Romero,

but it was bull
in the absolute killing.

(cut-up: The Sun Also Rises – Earnest Hemingway)


  1. Dust


What’ll we do?

  1. Turtle

Oat beard
grass heads
and turtle,
tiddly-winks of
the same coin,
passive and

  1. Preacher

Full of the Holy
in the grass,
here’s me preachin’
with eyes of dust

  1. Owner

To profit the dust
some worshipped

but God knows
what measured men
squatting in dust

  1. Ruins

Like jalopies
bustin’ with sawdust –

Christ, what they is
jus’ sold is

God Almighty
folks in ruins

(cut-up: The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck)


(found mash-up with 1828 Webster’s Dictionary)

was never there

a fragment
from Luke

as broken as damned

So starting all over
to give a care:

My dear, it’s
best to mend fragments,
glue them together
as new,

a clean slate
from Frank,

an adverb for
ingenuous repair.

(cut-up: Gone With the Wind – Margaret Mitchell)

Junk Mail Junked


Is the stated empathy of the caveat sincere or a ‘we care’ marketing ploy? Who knows, and I am doubtful.

I actually wholly support/want the cremation-only route, but think I have seen cheaper versions to this. And I kid you not (a sign?), as I was erasing this, the TV was on and a Pure Cremation advertisement played. The price – presumably entry-level, excusing the proverbial – was £1,500.

For a burn?

from ‘On the Found’

I Am Is

I must empty
am not emptied yet
I don’t know what I was
I don’t know if I
emptied am
I don’t know
I could not empty myself
Emptied then I
must be
or not
What are you
What are you
You never were
And so if I am
you are not
And is not
I am or not
Am or not
So is or not

I am is.

(cut-up: As I Lay Dying – William Faulkner)